Carrot fertilize properly and balanced

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Grow Huge Carrots with Fish Fertilizer
Video: How to Grow Huge Carrots with Fish Fertilizer


Carrot fertilize properly and balanced

If you would like to grow carrots in your own garden, you should plan this in the best case already in the previous fall. So you can make an optimal fertilization, which then allows the carrots in the spring and summer a strong growth.

Early article worth knowing about the sowing of carrots Next article Freshly harvest delicious carrots from your own vegetable patch

Autumn fertilization in the previous year

Carrots belong to the category of middle earners, meaning that they need continuous nutrients for their growth. At the same time too intensive fertilization would lead to a strong leaf growth, which in turn would result in a weak expression of the roots.

Biologically provide energy with green manure

Carrot can be fertilized very gently if already before the winter a green manure is worked into the soil, which then supplies nitrogen and many nutrients for the following year and the coming plants. Sow late summer plants such as lupins or clover and work them with a hoe in autumn in the soil.

Barn dung in carrots only in the previous year

Fresh manure is not to be used if carrots are to be sown directly on it. If the manure is already applied to the raised bed or vegetable patch in autumn, it has decomposed sufficiently until spring.

Beware of pests

For another reason, fresh manure should not be incorporated into a bed of carrots: it favors the development of the notorious carrot fly. So if you fertilize your carrots with fresh manure, you increase the chance of an infection of the carrot roots with the larvae of the carrot fly.

Pay attention to the crop rotation

Carrots belong to the group of umbelliferae (together with dill, parsnip, celery) and should not be grown in the same bed every year. Switch between different types of vegetables to avoid disadvantages in growth and pest infestation. If you have no alternative to cultivate vegetables, you can at least keep the carrot fly at bay with an intermediate crop of onions.

Tips & Tricks

Carrots generally do not require intermediate fertilization during their growth phase on a humus-rich soil. But make sure you have sufficient water and heap some soil if the heads of the roots of the carrots should look out of the ground when they grow vigorously. To avoid unwanted discoloration at the head of the carrots.