Ran to the cores: plant medlar seeds

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
PINK-EDGED PLANTS, RUFFLED PETIOLES, & More Plant Ponderings with TOM CROAT — Ep. 265
Video: PINK-EDGED PLANTS, RUFFLED PETIOLES, & More Plant Ponderings with TOM CROAT — Ep. 265


Ran to the cores: plant medlar seeds

Anyone who has ever eaten raw medlars directly from the tree or shrub will inevitably have come upon them. It's about the contained nuclei, which are usually not eaten, because they are enormously hard. But what can be done with them instead?

What do these nuclei look like?

The seeds or seeds that are contained in the medlar fruit are just as bizarre as the entire plant with its crown, its flowers and its fruits. The cores are strange entities, one might say. They are brownish colored, flat, roundish to oval, hard and structured. Each core represents a unique piece.

How does sowing work?

The seeds can be sown either outdoors or at home in pots. Ideal is a sheltered place. For planting in the field, it is recommended to use clay pots or other decomposing pots. These are filled with substrate and z in the ground. B. in the garden.

The first steps

The kernels of the medlar must be exposed to a cold spell before they show willing to germinate. They are best taken in autumn from the ripe and soft fruits. The pulp should be soft so that the kernels are not damaged when removed.

The extracted kernels are stratified over the winter. This means they are exposed to frost. This can be done in the field over the winter time or artificially for example in the home freezer or in the freezer.

The next steps

In the spring, the seeds are - if they were not sown in the field - soaked in water for about 24 hours. This speeds up the germination process. Then they can be placed 0.5 cm deep in cultivation soil. In the next time the earth must be moistened regularly.

After the cultivation

After planting, the young plants should be given a suitable location. The medlar grows best:

Tips & Tricks

The germination of seeds can take up to two years with bad luck. Therefore, other methods of propagation for the medlar are much more recommendable.