How to properly cultivate the iced herb - Tips and tricks (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
(Crystalline Ice Plant) Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
Video: (Crystalline Ice Plant) Mesembryanthemum crystallinum


The ice-weed is a robust plant for pot and bed

How to properly cultivate the iced herb - Tips and tricks (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)

The ice flower Mesembryanthemum crystallinum is also called Krsitallkraut or soda herb. The plant is originally from South Africa, but now grows on many other coasts, such as Japan, South Australia or California, as it easily tolerates slightly acidic soil.

Plant the ice plant properly

It is best to plant the heat-loving ice-weed in a dry and sunny place. There it will feel right. The soil should be sandy to slightly loamy. With good care, you can harvest the thick leaves about every three to four weeks. They taste spicy and spicy, a bit like spinach. Prepare a crispy tasty salad or steam the leaves as vegetables.

Water the ice flower properly and fertilize

The ice is about 10 to 20 centimeters high and only needs relatively little water. If you prefer to water regularly in small quantities, rather than just occasionally in bulk, the ice-weed will diligently grow and you can harvest regularly. If you want to eat the leaves, use a fertilizer that is suitable for vegetables, such as a well-rotted compost.

To multiply the ice plant

You can sow the weed in the room all year round or outdoors from the end of April or the beginning of May. The light germs are only lightly pressed and not covered with earth. Through a miniature greenhouse or covering with a glass plate keep the moisture constant for the seeds. So you can expect after a few weeks with the first small harvest.

The ice-weed in winter

The weevil tolerates light frost and can hibernate well protected in the garden in a mild environment. It should not be colder than about - 5 ° C to -10 ° C. Otherwise, a frost-free winter quarters is recommended.

The essentials in brief:


If you do not harvest all the leaves but only parts of them, the leaves will grow and you will get a copious harvest.