Freeze mirabelle plums - this is how you preserve the yellow plums

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Freeze Plums
Video: How To Freeze Plums


Mirabelle plums are best washed and gutted frozen

Freeze mirabelle plums - this is how you preserve the yellow plums

The fact that they are also known as yellow plums is partly because of their color and partly because they belong to the plum family. The fruits are tasty and also contain many vitamins - good reasons to have them always at home in stock. Practically, mirabelle plums can be frozen. This guide will tell you what to look for and how to do it.

Freeze mirabelle plums - step-by-step instructions

First of all: It is very time-consuming to prepare mirabelle plums for freezing. Especially for large quantities beyond the ten kilo mark you should plan (at least) a whole day. You also need plenty of space in the freezer and enough containers to store the fruits.

Here is the guide to freezing mirabelle plums:

    Wash your mirabelle plums thoroughly and look out for blemishes like broken skin or lazy spots. Fruits with "problem areas" should not freeze. Carefully dry the yellow plums that are suitable for the freezer - preferably on and with kitchen towels. Just dab the fruits until they are completely dry. Now comes the most difficult or most demanding task: you have to stone the mirabelles. We recommend that you use a high quality plum stoner to minimize this effort. Prepare a sheet of metal or, alternatively, another plain backing that will fit in your freezer. Important is cleanliness. If necessary, clean and dry the respective utensil beforehand. Now spread the washed and stoned mirabelles on the base. Each fruit should be as free as possible (so do not touch any of the neighbors). Slide the mat with the mirabelles into your freezer. Wait for about an hour. During this time the fruits freeze. Get the mat with the mirabelles from the freezer. Then place the frozen fruit in small portions in containers suitable for your freezer - such as freezer bags or boxes. If you decide on the variant with freezer bags, you have to extract them from the air before closing - this is especially easy with a vacuum sealer. Otherwise, you can also use your mouth as a tool. Close the containers firmly (airtight). Label the bags or boxes with the date. This helps you to keep track of durability. Now put the containers with the mirabelles in the freezer.


Thawing mirabelles - that's how it works

Remove the container from the freezer the night before and place it in the refrigerator overnight. If no heat is applied to the fruits, they thaw without developing a mushy unsightly (and inedible) consistency.