Mint dry for a lush winter supply - that's how it works

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mint dry for a lush winter supply - that's how it works - Garden
Mint dry for a lush winter supply - that's how it works - Garden


Mint dry for a lush winter supply - that's how it works

If you think about storing mint in time, you will not be left with it in winter. Anticipated hobby gardeners know that dried mint is excellently preserved. All practicable methods we have collected for you here.

Early article Freezing fresh mint - that's the way it works Next article Simply multiply mint with cuttings - this is how it works

Simply dry mint in the air

Dry air is the healthiest and least expensive preservative in the world. To turn fresh leaves into dried mint, proceed as follows:

Tie the prepared mint sprigs with bast or rubber dumbbell to small posy bunches. Hang upside down in the dark, dry place. Within 14 days, the leaflets are dried. Now these can be picked and kept in an airtight container.

This is how the oven functions as a drying machine

If you do not want to wait for 14 days for dried mint, it accelerates the process in the oven. How to do it professionally:

In the next 20 minutes, you repeatedly check the progress of the process. Dried mint can still be green. When the leaves rustle and curl, the process is complete. Pull out the baking sheet so that the mint does not turn brown.

Comfort drying in the dehydrator

The luxury variant for dried mint offers a practical dehydrator. This is an electrically operated apparatus with integrated convection heating and several sieve trays. Then spread the prepared mint leaves so that they do not touch. Set the thermostat to the lowest setting.

In the next few minutes, check the degree of dryness of the mint at regular intervals. As in the oven, crispy leaves signal that the dried mint is ready.

Mint dry every second - how it works in the microwave

At high speed, you have dried mint with your microwave. Take a suitable plate to hand and lay out the fresh leaves on it. Put the plate in the appliance.At 10 second intervals, let the microwave run at the lowest wattage level. If the dried mint turns brown, it is still suitable for the preparation of tea.

Store dried mint safely

Moisture is the biggest enemy of dry herbs. If the process went smoothly, immediately fill the leaves into a suitable container. These include glasses with screw caps, airtight tupper boxes or vacuum bags.

Tips & Tricks

Do not you just want to dry the mint bouquets in the basement or in the attic? Then simply add your dehumidifier. With this little trick you accelerate the process significantly and effectively prevent annoying mold growth.