How to pour mint properly - that's what matters

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to pour mint properly - that's what matters - Garden
How to pour mint properly - that's what matters - Garden


How to pour mint properly - that's what matters

The geographical location of the home countries of mint indicates it; the herb plant thrives only in fresh-moist soil. This results in an adequate water requirement as the mainstay of successful care. We explain here how to pour mint properly.

Mint is a thirsty fellow - so you pour right

In contrast to the vast majority of herb plants, mint species require a constantly moist soil. This requirement should already be taken into account when choosing the location. When properly watering, proceed as follows:

The tight volume of the bucket requires more water than the bed. Therefore, check daily with the thumb sample whether to pour. If the first 2-3 centimeters of the substrate feel dry, they are watered. A coaster should be emptied after 20-30 minutes to prevent waterlogging.

Water in the winter at Kahlfrost

Winter spoils us with bright sunshine and crisp frost, threatening mints drought stress. If the snow is left out as a water supplier, the roots do not get damp either underground or above ground. On non-forestry days, mint plants are therefore poured a little.

Tips & Tricks

The frequency of pouring mint can be easily reduced by cultivating the herbs in the pot in hydroponic culture. They develop fleshy roots of water in a mix of water and mineral substrate, which use their own supplies. Only every 2 to 3 weeks, this supply of water is replenished.