So plant mint on the balcony properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Mint in one Container or Garden Bed
Video: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Mint in one Container or Garden Bed


So plant mint on the balcony properly

All mint species thrive in the pot magnificently. Here, the herb plants find ideal conditions and are ready for harvest at any time. How to plant mint on the balcony expertly explain the following lines in a practical way.

Cultivation by sowing creates vital young plants - that's how it works

For ambitious hobby gardeners, it is a matter of honor to use mint by sowing by hand. From the beginning of March, the project will be launched so that strong young plants will be ready by May. How to proceed:

At the partially shaded window seat at a constant 20 degrees and above, germination sets in within 10 to 14 days. If the seedlings have reached a height of 2-3 centimeters, they are piqued in herbal or Pikiererde. During this time, the substrate must not dry out.

Step-by-step guide to skilful planting

A suitable pot for mint on the balcony has a diameter of at least 30 centimeters. In addition, a bottom opening is available as a water drain, so that no waterlogging arises. Above this floor opening, create a drainage with potsherds or grit, which is covered with a water- and air-permeable fleece to protect against burial. This is how it continues:

So that the young mint does not fall over, it receives on the right and left a support in the form of wooden sticks. Once the plant is well rooted, the backing has done its job. Pour mint on the balcony plentifully and regularly, without causing waterlogging.

Tips & Tricks

Do not fret about molehills in the garden anymore. The Wühler also have a good side. The raised soil is considered an excellent propagation substrate. For sowing, mix with a little sand and place in the seed pots. Even hesitant seeds enter the botanical turbo.