Bring plants with powdery mildew on the compost?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Composting Peas with Powdery Mildew
Video: Composting Peas with Powdery Mildew


Plants with downy mildew are allowed on the compost

Bring plants with powdery mildew on the compost?

It is not wrong to warn against putting mushroom or virus contaminated materials on the compost. Not all spores or viruses are eliminated by the heat. This is especially true for the pathogens that cause powdery mildew. In contrast, plants with downy mildew are safe for compost.

May plants with mildew on the compost?

The question of whether plants with powdery mildew on the compost may be answered with both yes and no. It depends on which mildew disease it is.

In case of downy mildew there is no danger, as the released spores are only fungal fungi and not stable. They need living plants for survival. They are eliminated during rotting and by the heat in the compost.

Powdery mildew, on the other hand, is triggered by spores, which are very stable and tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, leaves and parts of plants with powdery mildew belong in the household waste and not in the compost.

Difference between powdery mildew and downy mildew

For the layman, it is not easy to recognize which mildew type is an infestation. For those who want to be on the safe side, it is better to dispose of all affected plants in the household waste.

A few distinguishing features:

Powdery mildew:

Wrong mildew:

The heat in the compost is crucial

The compost develops very strong temperatures after just a few weeks, especially in the middle - provided you have set it up correctly.

The temperatures are up to 70 degrees in the hot rot. In this heat, a very large proportion of pathogens and fungal spores found in the garden are killed.

When composting contaminated plant material, it may be useful to check the temperatures occasionally. Then make sure that by fertilizing with the compost, you will not transmit diseases later.


If you want to compost plants with downy mildew and other less heat-resistant viruses, you should use the compost pile more often. Make sure that the outer layers get into the middle. There the hot rot is strongest.