Moles in the garden and how to drive them out again

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Kill Moles for .35 CENTS! Juicy Fruit Gum Really Does Kill Moles!
Video: How to Kill Moles for .35 CENTS! Juicy Fruit Gum Really Does Kill Moles!


Moles are reluctantly seen in the garden

Moles in the garden and how to drive them out again

To a certain extent, we are quite happy when in the morning an accurately piled pile in the garden reveals the traces of a mole. But when there was an entire family of blind cave graves active, fun turns serious into seriousness!

And before we continue to dig into the matter: Since these troublemakers are under protection, the means to get rid of them, are very limited. Meaning that no one has the right to injure a mole or to seek his life with poisonous substances. Even if the medicine thinks that alcohol would be harmful, in this case it is not.

Moles, the alcohol stinking really gets on the nerves, and so much so that they leave their beloved labyrinth under your garden beds, and even in the future and for all eternity avoid. However, no one has to throw his entire liquor store into the corridors under the molehill. An empty bottle with formerly high percentage, which is inserted with the opening down into the hole, is already sufficient. Incidentally, the trick does not work with beer, but from 40 percent upwards, it should already be, then the smell of alcohol spreads quickly in the underground cave system.

Alternative Methods for Mole Hunting

On the relevant garden blogs is often reported that a cloth soaked in spirit leads to similar successes. The radius of action in such an action, however, is just three meters, so this method seems a bit questionable. Garlic is already more promising. The toes must, however, be crushed for this, so that the sharp-aromatic smell in the cave passages also spread widely. While the effect of commercially available ultrasound equipment is highly controversial, certain acoustic methods are still suitable for repelling particularly hard-bitten moles. Examples include buried bottles that create a kind of whistling sound as soon as the wind blows in, or the homemade windmills with squealing noises that reflect the sound into the opening of the molehill with the help of buried metal posts.

Incidentally, if none of the above home remedies works, your unwelcome gardeners are probably not moles, but shearing or voles. And they, in turn, have a much weaker sense of smell that calls for other means.