The best methods for drying chestnut shoots

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Chestnut Harvesting, Processing & Preserving - Part 2
Video: Chestnut Harvesting, Processing & Preserving - Part 2


Maronenröhrlinge keep themselves dried for several months

The best methods for drying chestnut shoots

The chestnut (Xerocomus badius) with its up to 15 centimeters wide, usually dark brown hat and the light stalk is at first glance to be confused with the mushroom quickly. However, you can quickly distinguish both species, because the meat of the Maronenröhrlinge turns blue on pressure. Just like the boletus, the chestnut roe is a tasty edible mushroom, whose strong mushroom aroma is especially good when dried.

Clean and prepare chestnut shoots

The Maronenröhrling is a typical Mycorrhizapilz of the spruce, but usually never appears where porcini mushrooms grow. Due to its unwetted stem and the blue flesh, it is very well distinguishable from the "King of the mushrooms" as well as from other Röhrlingen. Chestnut-seedlings are often found in coniferous and mixed forests between June and November, but you have to be quick: even maggots, snails and other forest creatures like to eat this mushroom. So take only crisp, not too eaten specimens and also check them in the forest for grubby feeding - otherwise you might experience a nasty surprise at home. The mushrooms should be cleaned as fresh as possible and prepared for drying:

Once the mushrooms have been cleaned, you can cut them into thin slices.

Three methods of drying chestnut shoots

Then let the mushrooms dry, for which he gives different methods. Only properly dried mushrooms are storable and can in principle be lifted indefinitely. Take the test: If the mushroom slices still bend without breaking, they must be dried further.

Air chestnut leaves in the air

This method is not recommended due to the danger of mold.

Dry in the oven

On the other hand, drying in the oven is quicker and without major losses: lay the mushroom slices loosely next to each other on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Dry for at least five hours at temperatures between 50 and 70 ° C. This works best in a convection oven. To allow moisture to escape, clamp a wooden spoon between the oven door and the oven.

Drying in the dehydrator / drying oven

If you often dry mushrooms, but also herbs, fruits and vegetables, it pays to buy a dehydrator or a drying oven.


Do not confuse the chestnut grouse, which is awake in the forest, with the so-called "brown caps". This is the trade name of mushroom brood of the species Rotbrauner Giant Träuschling, which you can breed - in contrast to the Maronenröhrling - also in the domestic garden.