A touch of exoticism? - This is how you breed a mandarin tree yourself

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 14 June 2024
Grafting Orange Trees – How to Graft a Tree by T-budding
Video: Grafting Orange Trees – How to Graft a Tree by T-budding


A touch of exoticism? - This is how you breed a mandarin tree yourself

The mandarin tree, with its strong bushy growth and elliptical, dark green shiny leaves is an impressive appearance. The pretty white flowers grow solitary or in low-blooded grapes in the leaf axils. The numerous cultivars are usually propagated vegetatively by grafting on sticks of other citrus species as well as by eye cuttings and sinkers. Of course, you do not have to do it that complicated at home.

Previous article How to plant a tangerine tree Next article The care of the mandarin tree

Extend mandarin tree by seeds

If you want to grow a tangerine tree yourself, you only need a tangerine bought in the supermarket. When buying, make sure to pick the right kind of tangerine, because satsumas or clementines usually contain little or no seeds. On the other hand, "right" mandarins always contain some seed kernels that you remove from the pulp at home. Clean the kernels off the flesh, place them on a dry kitchen towel and let them dry in the sun for about a week.

Plant seed kernels

You can bridge the waiting period by buying some seedlings and potting soil. Even a room greenhouse is very well suited for the cultivation of the seedlings. Now fill the seed tubes with soil and insert the mandarin seeds into it. Always keep the soil moist with a spray bottle, but never wet. The potty should be in as bright and warm a place as possible. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. The nucleus will germinate within four to six weeks.

Maintain the mandarin seedling

The young tangerine plant should only be repotted when its seed vase is completely rooted. If this is the case, take a sufficiently large (but not too large) plant pot and fill it first with a layer of expanded clay or lava rock and then with special citrus soil. The plantlet is put in there and always kept slightly moist.

Tear mandarin tree from a cuttings

If you already own an older mandarin tree, then you can multiply this by using cuttings. To do this, proceed as follows:

After a few weeks, the cuttings will form roots. They recognize this by showing fresh shoots on the plantlet.

Tips & Tricks

Mandarins are quite sensitive. Neither they tolerate too much dryness, nor moisture, nor cold or even drafts. Nevertheless, you should put your mandarin tree in a protected place in the summer, because only then he develops flowers and thus fruits.