Flower Dream Magnolia - Profile of a fascinating tree

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Types of Magnolia Trees & How to Care for Them | P. Allen Smith (2020)
Video: Types of Magnolia Trees & How to Care for Them | P. Allen Smith (2020)


Flower Dream Magnolia - Profile of a fascinating tree

Mostly between March and April very lush flowering magnolias are found in almost every front garden as well as in many parks. Her beautiful, bright white, pink or red flowers and her intense scent are a wonderful eye-catcher. Hardly anyone knows, however, that this genus of plants in the wild is threatened with extinction.

Origin and distribution of magnolia

The approximately 230 known Magnolia species all belong to the family Magnolia (Magnoliaceae), which also includes the most widespread in China tulip trees (Liriodendron). Originally the various magnolias are native to North and Central America and East Asia, but have now conquered a place in many gardens worldwide as a crop. Among wild species, more than 130 magnolias are listed as threatened species on the Red List due to the intensive agricultural use of their habitats.

Blooming magnolias indicate the spring

Magnolias have a very large variety of different species and varieties, whose flower splendor differs greatly in shape and color. We have summarized some of the most important species in this table:

Especially suitable for smaller gardens is the star magnolia with its narrow star-shaped flower petals. This species grows up to two meters high and branches very strong. The solitary eye-catcher is the tulip magnolia, which can be found in many gardens, as well as the distinctive purple and very tall evergreen magnolia.

Appearance and use

The plant family of magnolias is already about 130 million years old. As a result, even today's Magnolia species still have a comparatively simple flower structure, which, however, is made up for by its breathtaking beauty. There are both summer and evergreen species, with the very early flowering magnolia developing their leaves only after flowering. The older a magnolia tree is, the more lush its flowers are. Unlike other early flowering magnolias do not forgive.

Tips & Tricks

Before you decide on a magnolia variety from the garden center, take a good look around. There are a great many different varieties with distinctive flower colors and shapes, most of which come from the USA or from New Zealand.