Completely uncomplicated - cut the riding grass

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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When cutting back riding grass it depends on the right time

Completely uncomplicated - cut the riding grass

If one attaches importance to a well-groomed appearance of the riding-grass, the cutting should be regarded as an important aspect of the care and should not be neglected. What should be valued and when is the right time to do so?

Do not cut too hasty

The top priority when cutting is the right time. This is not only true for the riding grass, but for all ornamental grasses. If you cut back the riding grass in the fall, you take a big risk.

If the stalks remain over winter, they act as protection against winter wetness. If they are cut off, water can penetrate into the cut parts and run to the roots. There is then the risk of rotting.

In the spring, the pase time has come to cutting

Only when spring has come, you should shake the scissors. An ideal time for the cut has come shortly or during the new shoot of the plant. It is important that there is no frost when you cut them back.

How is it cut?

Thats how it works:

When cutting, make sure that you do not injure the fresh shoot tips - insofar as they are present. After the pruning, you can dig up and divide the riding grass up to 150 cm high with its flowers.

Use the flower panicles as jewelry for the vase

Anyone who owns a riding grass can cut off its flower spikes or the long stalks with the flowers for decorative purposes and that in autumn. Also left on the plant, the yellow-brown flower panicles look beautiful and provide pretty accents in the dreary season, for example, when they are covered with hoarfrost or snowflakes.

The other parts of the plant should be left standing. They are stable enough and also offer snow forehead. If you want you can tie them together with a rope to form a head.


Similar to other ornamental grasses, the riding grass has sharp leaf margins. Therefore, as a precaution, you should wear gardening gloves so as not to injure yourself.