Maintain magnificent magnolias properly

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant Profile: Caring and Planting Magnolias
Video: Plant Profile: Caring and Planting Magnolias


Maintain magnificent magnolias properly

Only 1000 years ago, the magnificent magnolia trees with their large, showy flowers were reserved for the Chinese emperors only. Meanwhile, the beautiful, very early flowering plants are native to us in many gardens and parks. Especially in the first years, a magnolia tree is quite sensitive to frost and strongly fluctuating weather, but is otherwise easy to maintain.

Early article Next article Can you transplant a magnolia? These points should be noted

How often should the magnolia be cast?

Magnolias have a fairly high water requirement, which they can not cover alone as a flat root, especially in hot summer months. Therefore, you must make sure that the greenhouse is kept constantly moist in summer. Even in winter, the magnolia should be watered from time to time, but only on frost-free days.

Does it make sense to mulch magnolias?

For the same reasons, it is advisable to mulch the magnolia tree in the root area, for example with a layer of bark mulch. Magnolias should not dry out under any circumstances.

When and how is the magnolia best fertilized?

Magnolia grown in the garden usually does not need to be fertilized, as long as they are rich in nutrients and humus rich soil. Basically, it is sufficient in spring to spread some finely chopped grass cuttings or humus-rich compost in the root area. If the magnolia is in the bucket, regular fertilization with a mineral-rich fertilizer is essential.

When and how is a magnolia tree trimmed?

Since magnolias grow very slowly, an annual cut is not necessary - quite the contrary, because it can even cause drastic damage. It is sufficient to prune the magnolia tree approximately every three to five years, with dead branches and branches naturally having to be removed regularly. Coat the cut surfaces with a fungicide. The best time for a cut is - as with all flowering trees - the time when all the flowers are bloomed. This should be the case towards the end of June. In order for the tree to recover from the procedure, you should refrain from an autumn cut.

Do magnolias thrive in the tub?

Some species of magnolia, such as the purple magnolia or the rare, yellow-flowering Magnolia Daphne, are wonderful for a Kübelhaltung. The bucket should be as far as possible so that the flat roots of the plant have enough space to spread. Potted magnolias must be regularly poured and fertilized, in winter, a wrap of the bucket with a warming fleece is advisable.

How can magnolia be propagated?

Propagation occurs mainly via cuttings, sinkers or by moss. Propagation by seeds, however, is not recommended because these magnolias are very lazy.

Which diseases can occur with magnolia?

Magnolias are quite vulnerable to both forms of mildew. Black spots on the leaves indicate leaf spot disease.

How are magnolias best wintered?

The younger a magnolia tree is, the more sensitive it is to frost. Therefore, wrap the trunks of planted young trees with a fleece and cover the root area with a thick layer of mulch (eg, brushwood, bark mulch). Magnolias in the bucket overwinter best under cold conditions. With age, the plants become more robust.

Tips & Tricks

If possible, increase your magnolia only by lowering or by moss, since cuttings are very difficult to root. For the same reason, the plant should not be transplanted.