Magnolia proliferate by offshoot

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Magnolia shooting from below the graft - Burncoose Nurseries
Video: Magnolia shooting from below the graft - Burncoose Nurseries


Magnolia proliferate by offshoot

Why buy an expensive magnolia from a retailer, if you can also pull it yourself? But beware: The proliferation of magnolias is difficult, you also need an angelic patience. After all, that's why the plants are so expensive.

Advantages of propagation via offshoot

Lowering is a useful method of propagating plants whose cuttings are difficult to root, as is the case with magnolia. Although it takes several months until the sunken shoot has formed roots and can thus be separated from the mother plant, but for these young plants are stronger than pulled from cuttings shoots. The young magnolias are cared for by the mother plant until they can literally stand on their own roots. They are less susceptible to disease and are already used to the soil and various weather conditions.

Different types of lowering

There are essentially three types of subsidence:

So increase your magnolia by lowering

At this point should be explained once the most common form of lowering.

Tips & Tricks

Magnolia can best be multiplied by the so-called moss.