With the right care the girl's eye will make you bloom

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
With the right care the girl's eye will make you bloom - Garden
With the right care the girl's eye will make you bloom - Garden


The girl's eye needs one thing above all: a lot of water

With the right care the girl's eye will make you bloom

Basically, the girl's eye in the right location is not very demanding and can handle well on dry slopes well. With the right care, you can get out of your "beautiful faces" but still more life and abundance of flowers.

Previous article The ideal location for the girl eye in the garden Next article Cut the girl's eye properly

How often should the girl's eye be watered?

With a mulch layer on the ground, the drying of the floor and thus the frequency of casting can be reduced. Although the girl's eye does not need a lot of water, it should be protected from dehydration, especially in the summer, because of its sunny location. Container plants should be watered more regularly than free-range plants, ideally in the early morning or in the evening with lime-free rainwater.

When and how can the girl's eye be repotted?

Perennials such as the maiden eye can usually be transplanted well in early spring if they have not expelled yet. Since the girl's eye, the multi-annual varieties after more than three or four years in the same location tend to Vergreis, they should every three to four years carefully excavated, divided and transplanted.

When and how should the girl's eye be cut?

When girls eye are basically different cutting measures conceivable:

In particular, only partially hardy subspecies of the girl's eye benefit usually from a pruning after flowering, in which the plant is cut just above the ground.

Which pests infest the girl's eye?

Young plantlets are susceptible to snail feeding and therefore particularly protect, mature perennials can occasionally be attacked by aphids.

What measures are effective against diseases?

When the leaves of the girl's eye dry up after being covered with a floury coating, they are mostly powdery mildew. Infested plant parts should be cut out immediately and burned in a controlled manner. Brown spots on the leaves and a musty odor may be evidence of root rot as a result of waterlogging.

Should the girl's eye be fertilized?

The girl's eye blooms particularly persistently, if you apply in the spring and summer regularly some deposited compost on the perennial beds. Otherwise, special long-term and storage fertilizers are suitable for the adequate supply of nutrients.

How is the girl's eye wintered?

In the wintering of perennial Coreopsis species, the following variants are possible:


Although the sun-loving girl's eye needs enough moisture for its full splendor at the height of flowering, it does not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, loamy ground in the field or a plant pot should be provided with a corresponding drainage layer, so it does not come to Wurzelelfäulnis or mold.