The seeds of the dandelion - facts and sowing

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
The secret physics of dandelion seeds
Video: The secret physics of dandelion seeds


Thanks to its flying seeds, the dandelion proliferates immensely

The seeds of the dandelion - facts and sowing

The bracts close, the yellow tongue flowers fall off - now it's time and the distinctive fruits with their umbrellas are formed. As soon as the bracts of the dandelion open again, the dandelions become visible. What should one know about the seeds?

Heap of seeds that spread in no time

If you have ever looked more closely at such a dandelion seedbed, you may be able to guess what role the seeds play in propagating the plant. Every single dandelion plant can produce up to 5,000 seeds per year. This high amount is only achieved if the plant has the chance to flower several times. That is not uncommon ...

The seeds are released by wind or by contact by an animal or humans from the seedbed. Thanks to the umbrellas, the seeds fly up and spread throughout the world. Often they fly for hundreds of meters.

Remove dandelion - definitely before seed maturity

Dandelion is known as an annoying and difficult to eliminate weeds. He just can not be removed if you do not know what his best survival strategy is.

It is the numerous seeds. If the dandelion is removed during its seed maturity, the seeds fly away immediately and ensure the distribution. They can remain germinable for up to 10 years.

Ripening time of the seeds

Several times in the season, the dandelion can bloom. Thus, there is a wide scope for the maturity of the seeds. The first dandelion plants bloom at the beginning of April. In May, the first seeds are ripe. Other dandelion plants only bloom in August and the seeds mature in the course of September.

Seed the seeds carefully

You want to sow the dandelion targeted? Then note the following notes:

External characteristics of the seeds

The fruits of dandelion are so-called nut fruits. Behind each pericarp is a single seed. The seeds with the shell have a perfect shape to be sown quickly and safely: they are pointed at the bottom. So they can get stuck in the ground well.

Here are further features:


The seeds grow best in deep, humus-rich soils.