Dandelion - remove the weeds

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove dandelions
Video: How to remove dandelions


Dandelion can quickly get out of hand in the lawn

Dandelion - remove the weeds

He is reluctant to draw the short straw and is prevented from growing through narrow gaps between pavement slabs. Not only there, but also in the lawn, the dandelion is a thorn in the side of many gardeners. With what methods and means can you remove it?

Next article Dandelion: species and their common characteristics

Why is dandelion so unpopular?

First, the question should be asked why the dandelion is so unpopular and often fighting this wild plant is part of the 'duties' of allotment gardeners. Here are the main reasons:

The right time: Absolutely before seed maturity

Who wants to remove the dandelion, should never do this to seed maturity! Even when lightly touched, for example, with the foot, the seeds dissolve on the 'dandelions' and are spread. They are able to germinate for up to 10 years and can thus make the gardener despair.

It is best to destroy the dandelion before it starts to bloom! But at the latest when the yellow flowers light up like signals, that should be a warning to you. It is high time for a successful annihilation!

Cut out the weeds

You can permanently eradicate the dandelion among others by stamping it out. This is considered the most effective and safest method. This is done with the help of a weed whipper or a sharp, stable knife.

Since it is usually quite difficult to pull the dandelion together with its long tap root simply from the ground, a weed cutter is located. You sting him in the ground, directly next to the dandelion plant. Now it is easy to pry or rotate, so that the tap root is loosened. Then it can be pulled out of the ground.

To brake the multiplication: Cut off the flower heads

With little sweat, you can slow (and permanently eliminate) the dandelion by cutting off its flower heads regularly. Each plant is 1 to 3 years old. At some point she will go in without having multiplied by her seeds.

Weed killer? Second choice ...

Chemistry killers should be seen for what they are: poison. Do you want something like that in the garden? If you can not find another way out, sprays should always be just a stopgap. The poisons penetrate the ground and do not just fizzle out again.

Prefer to resort to home remedies?

All kinds of dandelion can also be got rid of with home remedies. How it works? You need a home remedy to kill the dandelion. This pour directly onto the plant. For example:


On a large scale, home remedies such as salt and vinegar are not recommended, as they damage the floor.