Sowing snapdragons - that's how it works

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sowing snapdragons - that's how it works - Garden
Sowing snapdragons - that's how it works - Garden


Snapdragons can easily be sown directly in the field

Sowing snapdragons - that's how it works

The Löwenmaul is one of the oldest farmer garden plants and enjoys unabated popularity because of its robustness and unpretentiousness. The flowering plants can be sowed and pulled together completely uncomplicated. How to do this you will learn in this guide article.

Previous article Which location does the snapdragon prefer? Next article Great care tips for the Löwenmäulchen

seed procurement

Snapdragon seeds are available in every well-stocked garden shop. If you have already cultivated the plant in your garden, you can harvest the seed yourself after flowering. Allow it to dry for some time on paper towels and store in small paper bags in a well-protected place until seeded.

Sow directly into the field

From April you can sow the snapdragon directly into the field. The substrate should be humus rich and well loosened so that the seeds germinate easily. Since the snapdragon is a light germ, they must not be covered with gossamer or at most gossamer with earth. To protect against hungry birds, spread a net over the seed.

Preferring in the house

If you want to make sure that as many seeds as possible are raised, it is better to prefer the snapdragon in the house. Since the snapdragon is a cold germ, self-collected seeds must be stratified beforehand. Therefore, put the seed mixed with a bit of sand in the fridge for a few weeks. Then do the following:

Under these conditions, the snapdragon often germinates after a week. If you do not lose patience, then you will not show any green tips. Sometimes snapdragons take their time and germinate after about three weeks.

Already from the beginning of May, the plants can be transplanted outdoors. In very rough areas, however, you should wait until after the icy saints, as late frosts could damage the young plantlets.


Feels the snapdragon at its location well, it is often self-sufficient. It even thrives wildly between stones, in front of dry house walls and in unplanted places in the flowerbed.