Cut a lime tree properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 18 May 2024
How to Prune a Lime Tree - Vargas Landscaping Presents
Video: How to Prune a Lime Tree - Vargas Landscaping Presents


Cut a lime tree properly

Everyone knows oranges and lemons. But certainly not everyone has a real lime tree on the balcony or in the garden (of course in a bucket) stand. The relatively compact citrus plants are still a rarity, but enjoy growing popularity. Limes grow much slower than lemons, but densely branched. For this reason, a regular shape cut is necessary so that the inner branches of the tree get enough light.

Early article The correct care of the lime tree

Cut lime tree in spring

The best time for a thorough shape cut is the early spring, just before the tree is put back into the open. However, no flower buds should be seen yet. All shoots that are light green over the winter are completely removed, as well as withered and miserable twigs. Then you can give the crown an attractive shape by shortening all shoots. Also, all branches are removed that do not fit into the shape you are looking for.

Important: make out the crown

In the closely-awake lime, light and air in the crown quickly become scarce. In particular, the lower and inner shoots on the trunk threaten to die, as not enough light gets into the interior of the crown. Therefore, you should all watch inside the crown or mercilessly remove branches that are too dense or too lively. Incidentally, clearing the crown also makes it harder for pests to settle unnoticed in your lime tree.

Pay attention to hygiene

When cutting fruit trees, hygiene is the top priority, because not cleaned cutting tools or cuts that are too large provide fungi, bacteria and viruses a welcome attack surface, with dirty scissors and knives bringing the pathogens right into the wound. In addition, you should not leave any stumps, but always cut on Astring. Always remove the branch or twig directly from where it originates - directly at the trunk or at a strong secondary branch. Larger wounds can be sealed with tree resin so that on the one hand they do not bleed and on the other hand they do not provide fertile ground for parasites and pathogens.

Tips & Tricks

Especially young lime trees can educate you into the desired shape with the help of so-called spawning. For this purpose, unspool the new drives as soon as they have reached the desired length. This has the advantage that the tree need not unnecessarily put power into the growth of an unwanted shoot.