Lilies - recognize and combat pests

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Identify & Control Common Garden Pests by Leaf Signatures
Video: How to Identify & Control Common Garden Pests by Leaf Signatures


The lily chicken is the worst enemy of the lily

Lilies - recognize and combat pests

The lilies are planted. The impatient longing of the flowers should soon come to an end. But what is it? The leaves are eaten and the lilies look pitiful. What is going on here?

A dreaded pest: the lily chicken

Its red wings make it hard to hide, the lily chicken. It really stands out when it's on the green foliage of a lily. It is a black-headed beetle that is between 6 and 8 mm in size and is considered extremely persistent. Lily lovers fear him ...

Eat lilies bald

The beetles and larvae eat the leaves bare. They are responsible for the fact that some lilies do not bloom or die despite adequate watering and fertilising. The beetle is less bad. Much more are his larvae.

Mating happy whole colonies arise

The lily chicken lays its orange-red eggs on the undersides of the leaves. After 6 days, the larvae hatch. While the young larvae scrape on the underside of the leaves, the older larvae eat the leaves from the top.

The bad thing: the lily chickens love to mate. Within a summer, up to four generations of these animals can develop! They feel like lilies in paradise and do not stop eating until the lily comes in.

Fight the pest

The beetles recognize you by their red color. The larvae are orange-black colored. But as they cover themselves with their own feces, they look gray. It is best to check your lilies at regular intervals from April to September for this pest.

The following measures can help with infestation:

Other pests

Even the best lily care does not help against pests such as thrips and aphids. Likewise, voles, snails and roundworms can damage the plant. When such pests are at work, the known methods of control against them help.

Tips & Tricks

Even lilies in the pot are not safe from pests. Especially weakened plants on the balcony can quickly be visited by aphids.