Diseases rarely occur in the privet

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: 10 Signs Your Kidneys Are Crying for Help


Yellow leaves on the privet can have several causes

Diseases rarely occur in the privet

Unlike many other hedge plants, the deciduous privet is one of the rugged species that rarely suffers from diseases and pests. What diseases and pests can occur, and what can you do about it?

Diseases rarely occur in privates

Privet is extremely robust and hardly susceptible to disease. When diseases occur or pests attack the shrub, the privet usually manages it. The following problems can occur:

They express themselves by different symptoms:

Most fungal diseases and root rot are caused by a lack or an excess of moisture. The privet likes it a bit damp, but it does not get along well with waterlogging.

Leaves curl up and fall off

The curling of the leaves usually occurs in spring, when the privet louse occurs. The hedge looks not so nice, but the privet is hardly endangered. The leaves grow again in summer.

In case of very heavy infestation and if the privet generally does not look very strong, you should work against aphids using suitable means.

Privet gets yellow leaves

Yellow leaves and / or many spots on the leaves are caused by the leafspot fungus. He lives in very humid summers.

You can fight it by generously cutting the affected branches and clearing out the shrubbery. If necessary, put the privet on stick. He can handle that easily.

Of course you can also use biological pesticides from the gardening market.

Dry up the leaves

If many leaves dry and fall off, it may be due to insufficient soil moisture. Under certain circumstances but also the weeping weevil, better said his larvae, responsible for it.

In case of heavy infestation, you can combat this insect with nematodes from the gardening market.

Privet loses leaves

Privet is not evergreen. This means that he drops his leaves in winter. This is a completely natural process. Some types of privet, such as privates of the privet, keep the leaves longer on the bush. They are therefore preferably planted as privet hedge. During winter, however, this species loses most of its leaves.

Whitish surface indicates mildew

Powdery mildew is also not dangerous for the privet. More frequent occurrence is when the location of the leaflet is very dry. It may help to sprinkle the privet hedge more often in the morning with water.

The privet is rarely entered, so you do not have to worry much.


If the privet is very weakened, you should consider additional fertilization. Put ripe compost and horn shavings under the bushes. Also conifer fertilizer can be used for fertilization.