Fertilize privet hedge properly - what should be considered?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Privet Hedge 1 Year + Light Trimming(2020)
Video: Privet Hedge 1 Year + Light Trimming(2020)


Older privet hedges are generally clear even without fertilizer

Fertilize privet hedge properly - what should be considered?

Privet is one of the undemanding and robust shrubs that copes well with almost all sites. This also applies to fertilizing. Which fertilizer is best and when do you fertilize the privet hedge the best?

Do you need to fertilize a privet hedge?

On a well-drained, slightly humus-rich soil, privet grows well even without fertilizer. Only younger hedges, where the roots are not yet so pronounced, a mild fertilization may be useful.

Of course, the growth of the shrubs can be stimulated by additional fertilization. But you should not overdo it, because overfertilization does not tolerate the privet hedge.

The right fertilizer for privet hedge

Although privet is not a conifer, the shrub is well supplied by conifer fertilizer. It is usually given as a slow-release fertilizer once a year.

When is the privet hedge fertilized?

Long-term fertilizer enter in the spring just before the sprouting of the privet.

With short-term fertilizers such as blue-grain or green-grain, you need to fertilize twice, exactly as planned. Only when the nutrients reach the roots in time can fertilization be successful. Therefore, give short-term fertilizer about 14 days before the new release, ie end of April and beginning of August.

Compost and horn shavings are spread in the spring and gently worked into the soil with the rake.

Mulch cover protects and fertilizes at the same time

You can completely dispense with fertilizer by spreading a mulch cover of grass clippings, leaves, shredded waste, straw and other garden waste underneath the privet hedge.

The mulch material decomposes and the nutrients are continuously released into the soil by rain or water.

At the same time, the mulch cover protects the soil from dehydration and keeps the weeds under the hedge.

Prepare soil before planting the privet hedge

With leached soils you should improve the nutrient supply of the substrate already during planting. Mix the potting soil with mature compost and horn chips. Then the shrubs are sufficiently supplied for the first years.


If privet does not grow, it is usually not due to the food supply. Frequently, the roots of the shrub were not watered sufficiently before planting. Even shadow layers do not get the privet well.