Simply multiply lavender yourself - this is how you breed young plants yourself

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening
Video: 8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening


Simply multiply lavender yourself - this is how you breed young plants yourself

Lavender is one of the shrubs that you really can not have enough of. Especially lavender hedges are a wonderful eye-catcher - whether for framing the house, as a way or as Beetbegrenzung. However, lavender plants in larger quantities are not necessarily cheap. Therefore, you can of course also try to multiply the plant itself - this is cheaper and on top of that, it's even more fun.

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Propagation over seeds

Propagation over seeds is not easy with lavender. This is partly because the commercially available lavender seeds are usually not sorted, but on the other hand is also due to the fact that the seeds need certain conditions for germination and growth. Lavender is a light germ, d. H. he must not be covered with earth when sowing, but needs a bright place as possible. In addition, you should already prefer the seeds on the windowsill in February / March, so that the plantlets will bloom in the same year. Otherwise, you can spread the lavender directly after the icy saints in the bed, if guaranteed no night frosts are to be expected. For the cultivation you can take special cultivation substrate or also nutrient-poor herbal earth.

Lavender sometimes sows itself

In particular, the true lavender forms a lot of seeds, which - if they feel comfortable at their location - often accumulate very numerous. These young plants can either pluck, grow or transplant to another place. To do this, you must dig it out as early as possible, ideally when there are only a few tender leaves in addition to the two germ buds. The younger a lavender is, the easier it is to put into action - and the sooner it will survive this procedure.

Increase lavender over cuttings

Rather than over seeds, lavender can multiply over cuttings. This method is by no means as complex as seed multiplication and, moreover, more promising. In addition, you can be sure that actually lavender of the desired variety comes out - seeds of increased lavender can look very different than the mother plant. The cuttings can be removed when cutting in spring and in summer.

To breed young plants over the sinker

In addition to the propagation of cions, lavender also works very well for growing young plants via so-called sinkers. In contrast to cuttings, lowers are cut off from the mother plant only when they have formed enough roots themselves. Until then, the mother plant will continue to supply her offspring with water and nutrients.

Absenker need much longer than cuttings to hit roots. You should leave the young plant on the mother plant for about three to four months, until it has reliably rooted. You can then either leave them at their location, transfer them or plant them in a pot. Due to the fact that the plant needs so long to the roots, lowering should be set as early as possible - preferably already in May or at the latest in June.

Tips & Tricks

Although lavender can multiply in many ways, it is usually not possible to divide the shrub. Lavender would only divide if it had rooted in several places in the ground. However, this is usually not the case. In addition, older lavender, which makes a possible division even more difficult.