Transplant lavender properly - The best tips & tricks

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplant lavender properly - The best tips & tricks - Garden
Transplant lavender properly - The best tips & tricks - Garden


Transplant lavender properly - The best tips & tricks

Lavender is a perennial plant, which can be 20 to 30 years old if kept in good condition and conditions - but only if it is planted in the garden. Topflavendel rarely reaches such a high age, but here too eight to ten years are not uncommon. However, with increasing age, lavender becomes ever larger, so that after a few years, transplanting from the original location may become necessary. Only lavender kept in the pot you should turn regularly into a larger pot.

If possible, convert lavender before budding

Garden lavender or plants which have become too large and which you simply want to (or have to) relocate to another location should be dug up and implemented in the spring if possible. It is important that no frosts - especially no night frosts! - More can be expected so that the roots can regain their footing without harmful interference. On the other hand, if you want to transplant the lavender later, for example because the spring was cold and humid, then the last possible time is in July or at the beginning of August at the latest. The roots need sufficient time before the winter break to grow into the new soil.

Transfer lavender

It is not easy to apply lavender undamaged, because the plant develops a not only widely distributed root system, but also deep rooting tap roots. If the roots are damaged too much, the plant can at worst go into it. However, in most cases, it recovers after one to two years at the latest, as long as you have dug up the root ball as much as possible. And this is how you go about moving the plant:

Finally, you can use the pruning for cuttings.

Repeat the potbelly regularly

In contrast to garden lavender, it is relatively unimportant for Topflavendel when you transplant it into a larger pot. The important thing is that this does not happen in hibernation, but either in spring or in summer. The new pot should always be at least one third larger than the old - the widely branched roots of lavender need plenty of space.

Tips & Tricks

For topflavendels, pots made of clay or terracotta are particularly suitable because excess moisture evaporates better than from plastic pots. Plastic is particularly susceptible to the formation of waterlogging and therefore less suitable for lavender.