Lavender is rarely attacked by pests

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Accidentally Killed the Developers in Phasmophobia - [LVL 6152]
Video: I Accidentally Killed the Developers in Phasmophobia - [LVL 6152]


Lavender is rarely attacked by pests

Due to the high proportion of essential oils, pests such as aphids, spider mites and other vermin avoid the intensely fragrant lavender. For this reason, lavender can also be used as a natural remedy against such plant pests. However, weakened plants are often attacked by fungi and respond to them.

Waterlogging causes root rot

In particular waterlogging or generally too high humidity - which also includes high humidity - is a big problem for lavender. Wetness causes the roots to rot and die off. Paradoxically, the plant dries up in the sequence, as not enough water penetrates through the damaged roots in the above-ground parts of plants. Often, this phenomenon occurs in relatively mild but wet winters - and then, if not provided in advance for adequate drainage. Too frequent and / or incorrect casting leads to a root rot.

Treat fungal diseases quickly

Such diseased and weakened lavender plants are very often attacked by fungi that quickly kill the plant. Particularly feared is the so-called Phorma lavandula, also known as lavender death or lavender dying. This fungus causes first brown, then black spots especially on the leaves. These should be removed as soon as possible, only then the plant has a chance. Fungal diseases spread very quickly, which is why you should always keep a close eye on your lavender.

What to do with rotting roots?

With a little luck, you can still save lavender with rotting roots. The following measures are necessary:

Tips & Tricks

You can also use an infusion of dried lavender or lavender oil to control pests such as aphids on other plants. Draw about one to two handfuls of flowers in one liter of boiled water - if possible for several hours - and spray the affected plants with the cooled lavender water.