This is how you crop your kumquat tree properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow Kumquat Trees & Which is best?
Video: How to grow Kumquat Trees & Which is best?


This is how you crop your kumquat tree properly

The kumquat is one of the relatively fast growing plants, so it should be cut regularly. A regular cut also ensures that your kumquat tree grows nicely compact and stays healthy for a long time.

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Trimming not only gives you a beautiful kumquat tree, because the truncated branches form new shoots. They also offer their tree the opportunity to bloom very abundantly and to bear abundant fruit.

The best time to prune your kumquat tree

As a rule, the end of hibernation is the best time to prune a kumquat tree. Cut out all malformed branches, as well as weak and cross-awake branches. Then cut too long and too thin shoots. Extremely long shoots may be cut back to one third of their original length.

If your kumquat has grown too much over the summer then you can prune it as early as autumn. Then she does not need so much space for the winter. This is often an important argument for potted plants, especially if you own many of them.

The essentials in brief:

The right tool for pruning

As with any other gardening, cutting tools requires good tools. If the branches are not sawn or cut clean, but squeezed, then pests can easily nest there or form fungi. Therefore always use a sharp pruning shears of good quality. Whether you prefer so-called anvil scissors or scissors with two blades is of secondary importance.

Tips & Tricks

The best time to prune your kumquat tree is the end of hibernation. If you have limited space for wintering your kumquat, prune your plant in the fall.