Instructions for pumpkin plant - green thumb secondary

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Instructions for pumpkin plant - green thumb secondary

Pumpkin has long since blossomed into an indispensable status symbol in the well-run hobby garden. How to plant the gem in your own kingdom is explained in the following guide. So even without a green thumb everything is in the green.

Next article These pumpkin varieties and species leave nothing to be desired

How does sowing behind glass shorten a long growing season?

The long maturation period of pumpkin does not leave much room in the local climate. Before mid-May, planting outdoors is out of the question. Experienced hobby gardeners therefore favor the cultivation in the house to gain time:

A constant temperature of 25 degrees Celsius encourages the pumpkin seeds to germinate within a week. The cover is now removed and the seedlings spent in brighter light at 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. In the bed, you will plant vigorous young plants in this way. A direct sowing would start now instead.

When does planting start in the field?

Pumpkin plants are very sensitive to cold. Accordingly, the planting time starts at the earliest from mid-May. The excerpt of the sacred art marks the beginning. In the week before, the young plants were to harden in a sheltered place in the garden during the day.

Which site conditions does pumpkin culture require?

In a well-founded instruction for pumpkin cultivation, the location conditions do not take up much space. That does not diminish their relevance.

As pumpkin plants are one of the heavyweights, experienced gardeners argue for a location directly on the compost heap.

How is the planting going?

At the selected location in the bed, the soil is deeply broken up. Weeds, stones and roots all have to give way. With compost and horn shavings you optimize the soil quality.

The hardened young plants are potted and used exactly as deep as cultivated in the seed box. Planting should be done with a minimum distance of 1 meter. Following the initial watering, a garden fleece or a mulch foil protects the pumpkin culture until after the sheep's cold at the beginning of June.

With which plants does pumpkin tolerate itself in mixed culture?

Pumpkin is a friendly fellow in the kitchen garden. He cultivates good neighbors with most crops. Extremely well it is compatible with peas, onions and kohlrabi. It works less well next dill, cucumbers and melons.

The plant uses maize and bush beans for an almost symbiotic partnership. The sturdy maize sticks serve as a natural trellis for climbing squash and climbing beans. In return, the beans provide the soil with oxygen and nitrogen, while squash keeps soil erosion in check.

How does manual pollination work?

Depending on the variety and the weather conditions, the magnificent flowers appear after 30 to 60 days. This colorful lure calls busy insects on the scene. Apart from that, the broilers have it on the nectar, and they do not care about which flowers they dust. If you do not want to leave the process to chance, you can do the pollination manually. Following this guide you will succeed:

After 2 to 3 days each mini pumpkin starts to grow. Now you can breathe again, because the pollination was successful. The wrapper is now removed.

When is a pumpkin ready for harvest?

If you plant a common type of pumpkin, the anticipation of an opulent harvest will increase in late summer. A smooth, undamaged bowl without green spots indicates optically the maturity. A firm, well lignified fruit stalk is added as an indication. Now knock on the pumpkin, it should sound hollow and dull. Then nothing speaks against a start of harvest.

Does the harvest affect the shelf life?

At first glance, nobody suspects a high degree of sensitivity behind the mighty pumpkin. In fact, the expert user requires a certain amount of tact. Even the slightest damage causes rot. An intact shell thus makes an important contribution to the durability.

After the harvest, give the pumpkin a rest period of 2 to 3 weeks in a bright, warm place. This prudence is rewarded with a premium quality fruit.

Tips & Tricks

If a pumpkin is still filling up with water shortly before the harvest, its shelf life is reduced by weeks. If you cap the main stem 10 days before the harvest, the pumpkin will no longer provide any moisture.