Dowel grow hardy

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Bundle Dye with Fresh Flowers | 1818 Farms
Video: How to Bundle Dye with Fresh Flowers | 1818 Farms


The Christmas rose even blooms in the snow

Dowel grow hardy

Many potted plants have to move from the terrace to the garage or the apartment before the first frost, so as not to freeze. If you want to save this effort, you should put hardy plants in your tub. Which are eligible and how you also protect your winter hard potted plants from frost, you will find below.

Evergreen winter hardy potted plants

A green terrace even in winter? That does not have to be a dream. There are truly potted plants that are not only hardy but also wintergreen, such as:

Summer green flowering plants

Anyone who rarely goes to the terrace or the balcony in the winter, but attaches great importance to a sumptuous flowering of flowers in the summer, can choose one of the following flowering, hardy potted plants, which lose their leaves in winter, but again in spring cast out. These plants are more sensitive than their evergreen colleagues and should definitely be packed well in winter, as described in the care tips below. In addition, should be paid to the purchase of the plants on their winter hardiness, as there may be varietal differences.

The right care in winter

The above-mentioned potted plants are hardy, but that does not mean they do not need winter protection. To be on the safe side, you should cover the soil with brushwood or leaves and wrap the containers with bubble wrap, coconut mats or other insulating material. It is also recommended to place the pots on styrofoam to protect them from frost from below.
It is especially important that plants need water even in winter. Snow and ice do not provide moisture. So the potted plants may not freeze over at minus degrees, but they can be very thirsty if it is very cold for a long time. Take advantage of frost-free days for watering and protect your hardy potted plants, especially during prolonged frost with the above measures, so that the tubs do not completely freeze.