So you can create a herb garden on the balcony

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GREEN WITCH Herb Garden | How to start a balcony herb garden
Video: GREEN WITCH Herb Garden | How to start a balcony herb garden


Herbs thrive in the pot on the balcony

So you can create a herb garden on the balcony

If you do not have a garden, you can also create a lush green garden on the balcony for a variety of herbs. Most herbs thrive in boxes and tubs, provided the substrate, location and care are right.

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The right location

The majority of herbs prefers a sunny, warm and sheltered place. If the balcony garden is too draughty, protective railings or low hedges (for example, from semi-shrubs such as lavender, sage or rue) can help. It is ideal if the fall protection of the balcony is not made of solid stone, but of translucent glass / plastic or a grid. Some herbs also feel better in a partially shaded place. This is especially true of the species that grow in forests or forest edges - typical examples are wild garlic or woodruff.

The earth

Herbs sometimes have very different demands on the soil in which they grow. For sowing and propagation you should definitely use seed soil, for the further cultivation in most cases sufficiently fertilized potting soil is recommended. Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary, thyme or sage love dryness and need lanky, well-drained soil. In this case, the potting soil sand is added. Herbs like lemon balm or peppermint love it more moisturally; For these plants you need a structure-stable soil that does not mold.

Selection of planters

Also a very important condition for the healthy growth of the plants are sufficiently large planters. These are available in different sizes, shapes and materials, whereby the size of the required pots can be easily derived from the expected size of the plant. As a rule of thumb, the root volume of a plant is scarcely less than the corresponding aboveground plant parts. This means that you need a vessel with a diameter of about 20 centimeters for a 40 to 60 centimeters tall plant.

What is better: natural materials or plastic?

Particularly suitable are clay pots, wooden or ceramic vessels, baskets and window boxes. When using plastic containers you should make sure that the roots of the plants can be adequately ventilated. In order to avoid harmful waterlogging for the herbs, the vessels in the soil must have sufficiently large drainage holes.

Ideas for the design of the pot garden

A potted herb garden on the balcony can be made very versatile. Particularly interesting is a colorful mixture of herbs that are planted together, for example, in a balcony box or in pocket pots or arranged in weatherproof wall shelves. The herb pots are also well presented if you do not place them on one level but in different levels. On the other hand, a slightly more potted garden with green, silver or red-leaved species is more formal. It may also make sense to sort according to the possible use - for example tea and spice herbs, edible leaves and flowers for decoration.

This is how it is planted

The holes in the bottom of the pots are covered with pebbles or potsherds. Then fill the pots halfway with soil and put the young plants in there. Now you can fill the vessels with soil to the edge and press well. In addition, press in a small pouring rim, through which the pouring water will be directed to the roots later. Do not forget to water the freshly planted herbs - this makes it easier for the roots to grow.

The proper care of the pot garden

During the growing season the plants need water regularly. It makes sense to let the bale dry out and only then to pour thoroughly. In this way, the roots are evenly supplied with water and air, also you can prevent so over watering easier. About four weeks after potting the herbs should be re-fertilized regularly with liquid fertilizer. To do this, use special herbal fertilizers from the specialist trade, which you can dose according to instructions, add to the irrigation water and, as a rule, apply once a week. Instead, you can also make a plant broth yourself from stinging nettles, field horsetail and / or comfrey. It contains nitrogen, potassium and many trace elements - but stinks quite a bit during production. However, the strong odor can be alleviated by the addition of rock flour, it also provides additional nutrients.

Repot potted plants

Some herbs - such as basil - are cultivated only once a year. A repot is not necessary here, of course, sow the offspring every year. However, plants such as lavender, rosemary or lemon shrub, which remain in the same bucket every year, need some fresh earth each year. For this purpose, the top soil layer is replaced. If this is no longer possible or the plant pot has become too small due to the growth, you should repot the plant soon. Spring is the best time for this. The new vessel should have a diameter at least four centimeters larger than the old one.

Keep potted herbs properly over winter

Perennial, frost-sensitive herbs spend the winter in the house best. Suitable for this purpose are frost-free, bright rooms such as the staircase, a winter garden or a suitable cellar. On the other hand, if pots with sensitive herbs are to be overwintered on the balcony, they must be well packed and placed against the heat radiating wall of the house as well as on wooden blocks or polystyrene pads.


Only plant herbs together in a planter, which have similar claims to sun, water and nutrients.