How to remove roots of corkscrew grazing - prevent damage in time

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 INSANE Stump Removal Machines
Video: 7 INSANE Stump Removal Machines


Excavating the roots is exhausting but efficient

How to remove roots of corkscrew grazing - prevent damage in time

With its distinctive spiral branches and pretty kitten blossoms, the corkscrew willows us over its aggressive root system. In a jiffy, the roots extend meters to house walls, raise paving stones or press against supply pipes. High time to remove the roots. How this works, we explain here.

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Dig up roots - this is the hard way

In order to remove the corkscrew willow along with its roots in the classical way, the soil should be as dry as possible. Therefore, do not start the work immediately after a rainy day. Wear sturdy work clothes and sturdy gloves. Furthermore, a sharp saw should be available as a working tool, as well as a spade and a Rodehacke. Follow these steps:

It is not uncommon for the roots to extend 10 meters from the root ball. Uncover the long rhizomes and saw them in stages, then pull them out of the ground. You loosen the root ball yourself with the help of a fork and lift it out of the ground. It is an advantage to saw off the main root first and dig it out afterwards.

Put on the chain and pull out - so you save muscle fat

If damage to supply pipes and masonry can be ruled out, a less sudorific method comes into focus. To do this, cut back the corkscrew pasture so that a knee-high stump stops. To attach a chain, which in turn is fixed to a towing vehicle to pull the bale from the ground. However, you will not be spared, first saw off the long root strands and dig out individually.


Anyone who already considers the relentless growth of the roots during planting does not have to endure the removal or damage later on. Dress the planting hole with a geoile root barrier, put the strong roots in their place. Alternatively, put the root ball into the soil with a bottomless concrete vat.