How to properly plant a corkscrew pasture - Tips & Tricks

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to properly plant a corkscrew pasture - Tips & Tricks - Garden
How to properly plant a corkscrew pasture - Tips & Tricks - Garden


The larger the corkscrew grazing, the more difficult it is to transplant

How to properly plant a corkscrew pasture - Tips & Tricks

There are usually good reasons that move a gardener to relocate his corkscrew pasture. As a rule, the shrub has become too large or its roots threaten a masonry. Read here how to transplant the ornamental shrubs professionally and ensure the re-rooting.

The best time is in autumn - spring is also possible

During the months of August and October is the ideal planting time for woody plants. This also applies to the transplanting of a large ornamental shrub, such as the corkscrew grazing. At this time of the year, the plant can focus on re-rooting as the foliage has ended its season. Alternatively, you can transplant the plant in the spring, in time for the new sprouting, if the soil is thawed profoundly.

Step-by-step instructions - How to move the corkscrew pasture

The work begins by cutting the corkscrew pasture up to two-thirds. In this way, the significant loss of root mass is compensated. Then prick the roots around with a spade. The diameter corresponds to 75 percent of the stature height. This is how it continues:

At the new location, you will raise a plant pit with twice the width of the root ball. Measure the depth of the pit so that the previous planting depth can be maintained. The excavation enrich with compost and horn shavings. Firmly grasp the earth and water abundantly. An abundant supply of water ensures in the subsequent period that the roots establish themselves quickly.

Stabilize transplanted shrub

Until the transplanted corkscrew grazing has gained a foothold in its new place, it is threatened by wind thunderstorms. To effectively prevent this danger, tie the leader to a wooden post. Please beat this into the plant pit so that the root ball is not damaged.


Foresighted gardeners plant a corkscrew willow together with a root barrier. In this way, the aggressive growth of the roots remains under control and a later relocation is only half as expensive.