Increase corkscrew willow with offshoots - That's the way it works

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Increase corkscrew willow with offshoots - That's the way it works - Garden
Increase corkscrew willow with offshoots - That's the way it works - Garden


Summer is the best time to cut corkscrew offshoots

Increase corkscrew willow with offshoots - That's the way it works

Once a single corkscrew grape grows in your garden, you have access to numerous offshoots to use for multiplication. You can save the purchase of young plants, because in each branch there is the potential for a magnificent Salix matsudana. Find out how to make more copies out of cuttings and sinkers.

Cutting and planting cuttings correctly - How to do it right

If a corkscrew is full of juice, this is the ideal time to cut cuttings. In the summer, select non-flowering and semi-woody shoots that cut below a 20-cm-long leaf knot. In the lower part, all leaves are removed and the interface dipped in rooting powder. So plant and maintain the offshoots correctly:

To ensure that an offshoot does not dry out until it forms a root, put a transparent cover over the culture container. If you use a plastic bag, 2 to 3 wooden sticks act as spacers. If a cuttings drive fresh, the cover can be removed. Once a vigorous root system has developed, plant the young corkscrew grazing.

Thus, the offspring succeeds with lowering

The simplest conceivable way of using offshoots is by way of the sinkers. To do this, select a lit branch in early summer and pull it to the ground. Where the shoot touches the ground, lift out a 10-15 cm deep hollow. Dig in the peeled center piece and fix it with staples, tent pegs or stones. The shoot tip is fixed to a wooden stick.

In the following period, the mother plant continues to supply the sinker with nutrients. Dry the earth, pour with a fine shower, without exposing the buried branch area. If a strong root system has formed, cut off the sinker and dig out the root ball.


With its winding branches and unique kittens, the corkscrew willow is perfect for the family garden. Since the shrub does not contain any toxic components, it can be safely placed within reach of children and pets.