Leaves of hemp palm frostbite - What now?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Вадим Галыгин х Джиган | ЧТО БЫЛО ДАЛЬШЕ? (Сабуров, Щербаков, Рептилоид, Тамби, Детков)
Video: Вадим Галыгин х Джиган | ЧТО БЫЛО ДАЛЬШЕ? (Сабуров, Щербаков, Рептилоид, Тамби, Детков)


In too harsh winters can also freeze the hardy winter frost palm

Leaves of hemp palm frostbite - What now?

Although hemp palms are generally hardy, it can still happen that the palm is frozen after a hard winter. This is often shown by brown leaves in spring. What are the minus temperatures of hemp palms and what winter protection do they need?

What are the minus temperatures of hemp palm trees?

Hemp palms are hardy to a temperature of minus 17 degrees. However, this only applies to a hemp palm, which is older and was planted early in the spring in the field.

The leaves of hemp palm do not tolerate these minus temperatures. They are already frozen when it has been colder than minus six to ten degrees in winter. But that is not bad, because the hemp palm in the spring expels new. As long as the palm heart does not freeze, the plant is not endangered.

Young hemp palms are not hardy. They must be wintered in the house or in the bucket during the first years.

Brown leaves after the winter

If the hemp palm shows brown leaves after winter, that's not a big problem. It is then only a slight frost damage. Just cut off the brown leaves.

Palm Heart froze

It is worse, even if the palm heart is frozen. This is shown by the fact that the middle of the hemp palm is brown too. Sometimes it can also be stated that the trunk is soft.

If the heart of a hemp palm is frozen, there is no salvation for the plant. You can only dispose of them then.

Protect hemp palms from frost and moisture

To protect your hemp palm from freezing, you should prepare it in time for winter. Spread a mulch cover under the palm tree. For this foliage and straw are well suited.

Cover the hemp palm with protective materials. For this you use burlap, fir branches, garden fleece, coconut mats or brushwood.

In the tub, hibernate a hemp palm in a sheltered place on the terrace or balcony. A covered space is ideal so that the palm does not get too wet.


Even more than cold, the hemp palm is causing too much wetness in winter. Make sure the palm heart is covered.