Successfully pull lettuce yourself

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The secret to giving great feedback | The Way We Work, a TED series
Video: The secret to giving great feedback | The Way We Work, a TED series


Lettuce can be brought forward on the windowsill already in February

Successfully pull lettuce yourself

Lettuce can be easily from self-collected seeds or seeds from the trade itself pull - both in the garden bed and in the pot on the balcony or terrace. Learn here what to consider when raising lettuce.

Pull lettuce from your own seeds

The most exciting is the own breeding, if you pull the lettuce from self-collected seeds. Just have your lettuce shoot in the previous year and form a flower. In autumn, you can then pick the seeds. Store in a dry, dark and cool place.
From February, you can prefer early varieties on the windowsill.
This is how to proceed with sowing:

If you own a mini greenhouse for the sill or feel like creating one yourself, you can plant your lettuce seeds there to ensure even moisture and warmth.

Pour lettuce

Seven to ten days after sowing, the seedlings can be pikiert. To do this, remove the excess plantlets until only one or two plants are left per cultivation dish. The seedlings that you remove can either be eaten or put in other planters.

Plant lettuce

After the icy saints, when no more frost is expected, your young lettuces can move outdoors:


Alternatively, you can sow your lettuce directly in the field. This should also be done after the Eisheiligen to prevent the young plants freeze.