Pour lettuce properly

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Keep Lettuce Fresh
Video: How To Keep Lettuce Fresh


Only one, at most two plantlets should be left per cultivation dish

Pour lettuce properly

Early lettuce varieties can be brought to the windowsill as early as February at home. The plantlets must then be pikiert after a few weeks. The same is also necessary in the field if you sow the lettuce tightly.

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Why does lettuce have to be piqued?

Lettuce is always piqued if it is sown too densely. This is especially done if you are unsure how well the seeds are germinating. Seed from the specialist trade usually has a very good germination ability and you can assume that almost all seeds are absorbed. However, if you have harvested the seed yourself, it is advisable to sow several seeds per tray, to make sure that at least two germinate per tray. If they are more open, they must be removed so that the plants do not hinder each other from growing.

When is lettuce piqued?

Lettuce can be poked as early as a week or even two weeks after germination, as soon as it has formed a second pair of leaves. The plantlets are then about two inches high.

How is lettuce piqued?

To lick lettuce, you only need one thing: a steady hand. Select the plants that should stop and remove the rest. If you are planting plants in seed trays, one or two small plants may be left per tray. If you are practicing outdoors, you should only leave one plant every 25cm. The actual Pikieren is very simple: Grab the plantlets that you want to remove the head and pull it carefully out along with roots. Finished.

What to do with the pikierten plantlets?

Does it hurt you to just throw away the plucked plants? Putting them back in another pot may work, provided you do it as soon as possible. Another variant is to wash the plantlets and to consume them in a salad as a seedling substitute. Young seedlings contain a lot of nutrients.

Avoid spiking

If you want to save the work, you can only set two seeds per cultivation dish or maintain a planting distance of 25 to 30cm in the direct sowing in the field from the outset.

Key facts at a glance