Holey kohlrabi leaves - What to do?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Holes in Your Leaves? Organic Spray for Cabbage Loopers with Neem & Peppermint Oil // Fall Garden #4
Video: Holes in Your Leaves? Organic Spray for Cabbage Loopers with Neem & Peppermint Oil // Fall Garden #4


Holey kohlrabi leaves - What to do?

The kohlrabi is planted, is lovingly supplied with water, the temperatures are with and actually it could start with the harvest soon. Unfortunately, plague spirits like the cabbage white are also fond of the fresh tubers and a flock of small white flies buzz around the plant. Collect, fight, prevent - what helps?

Cabbage wheats, ground fleas, cabbage gallbladders and whiteflies are annoying pests that infest the plant tissue and hinder the growth of the plant.


Large holes in the kohlrabi leaves and an accumulation of white butterflies in the garden indicate the attack with the cabbage white. He lays his eggs on the plants. Later, the caterpillars eat holes in the leaves or dig themselves into the plant and poison them with their excreta.

Remedy: - Search the undersides of leaves for yellow eggs and yellow-green, black-spotted caterpillars

flea beetles

The young leaves of the kohlrabi are perforated like a sieve, on the leaves sit tiny little black or yellow-striped beetles that can jump: this is an infestation with earth fleas. They mainly colonize young plants and inhibit plant growth especially in dry weather.


Hollow, spherical growths on the main root or on the root neck of cabbage leaves indicate an attack with the Kohlgallenrüssler. The small, gray weevil lays its eggs on the plant stalks. In the growths sit the larvae that feed on the plant tissue.


White flies

Who does not know that - you touch the kohlrabi and start a swarm of white flies. White flies are about 2 mm in size, usually sit on the underside of leaves and damage the plant by sucking.

The leaf surfaces are covered with a sticky honeydew. In turn, it is the breeding ground for various fungal diseases. Heavy infestation leads to withering and death of the kohlrabi plant.


Tips & Tricks

Anise and mugwort - two plants that are not liked by cabbage whites. If you plant it as an accompaniment to cabbage, it should be safe from the infestation.