Knöterich does not need much care

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Knöterich does not need much care - Garden
Knöterich does not need much care - Garden


Knotweed should be cut back regularly to curb growth

Knöterich does not need much care

The family Knöteriche is very rich in species and includes various perennials, climbing plants and ground cover. Allen Knöterichen is the strong growth in common, which is why they must be kept in check by a regular cut. In particular, the knotweed (Fallopia baldschuanica), a vigorous climbing plant, is often used for greening of facades and walls. The plant is very easy to care for.

Do I have to water knotweed?

Knotweed has a low water requirement and can cover it completely due to its very deep roots.

When and how can I fertilize knotweed?

Either in early spring or in late autumn - as preparation for winter - fertilize the knotweed with some ripe compost. Further fertilization is usually not required.

How can knotweet be combated?

Knotweed grows rapidly and creates several meters - per month. Some specimens are up to 15 meters high in just one season! For this reason, pay attention to where the plant is growing and remove unfavorably awake shoots immediately, especially if they threaten to damage pipes, gutters or even roof tiles. Knotweed can only be restrained with strong and regular cuts.

How often and at what time should I cut knotweed?

Cut the knotweed in early spring, before the shoot, down to the ground. In the current season, you should also eliminate unwanted outgrowths by appropriate cutbacks.

Remove knotweed - how does it work?

Completely, the knotweed can only be removed if you completely dig out the very deep - up to two meters - and branched waking roots. However, this laborious task is important because otherwise the plant constantly expels again. Even hot steam kills the plant, but also any other greenhouse in the immediate area.

Knotweed has yellow leaves - what to do?

If your Knebelknöterich gets yellow leaves, then this is probably due to a small planter. Basically, knotweed needs all the more space for its roots, the bigger it gets - the plant is both a strong and a deep root and actually not suitable for a bucket attitude.

Maintain knotweed in the bucket

If you still want to cultivate the knotweed in the tub: Choose a large and deep planter. In addition, you limit the height growth of the plant and the number of side shoots. You also need to water and fertilize regularly.

Is Knöterich hardy?

Knöterich is considered absolutely hardy. Winter protection by means of brushwood or foliage in the root area is only necessary in extreme cold.

Tips & Tricks

Knotweed loves moist soil. Prevent evaporation in the root zone by mulching the plant. Very well suited, for example, finely chopped wood or bark mulch.