Climbing roses - What to look for when choosing the trellis

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Choose the Right Climbing Rose
Video: Choose the Right Climbing Rose


Climbing roses are not particularly demanding as far as climbing aids are concerned

Climbing roses - What to look for when choosing the trellis

Climbing roses are usually not special, exclusively climbing rose varieties. Instead, they are just roses with very long shoots, which can usually be pulled as a shrub. The shoots of the climbing roses must, if they are to climb, be tied up on a trellis. You can build a suitable climbing aid yourself, but also buy it in specialist shops.

Early article Can climbing roses be cultivated in the tub?

Why do climbing roses need a climbing aid?

Neither the climbing nor the rambler roses "climb" without any support. However, it does not always have to be the trellis of wood or the rose arch, because an old apple tree, a fence or a hedge fulfill this purpose as well. You should only keep in mind that such natural trellis aids often do not survive long-term coverage. Namely, trees and other bushes are smothered by the climbing rose and enter after a while.

Suitable trellis aids and materials

There are many ways to get in contact with it: in addition to trees, shrubs, fences and walls, climbing roses can also be pulled up on rose arches and arbours, pergolas, obelisks, pyramids, columns, trellises or freestanding trellises. By the way, the greening of a house wall with climbing roses has the advantage that they do not damage the building fabric - in contrast to other climbing plants. However, not all house walls are suitable for planting with climbing roses, because these flowers are very sensitive. Wire mesh and ropes, wood and metal are available on suitable materials.

Plant climbing roses properly and bind

Basic for a healthy growth and rich flowering is the correct attachment of the shoots on the trellis. For this you should follow the following rules:


If climbing roses are pulled up on house walls, there should be a distance of about ten centimeters between the wall and the trellis. This applies to a better air circulation.