This is how you sow poppies - the most important tips

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting and Growing Poppy
Video: Tips for Planting and Growing Poppy


The seeds of poppy can be collected after flowering from seed pods

This is how you sow poppies - the most important tips

Corn poppy grows on field edges or railway embankments, but is also ideal as a garden plant. You can buy seedlings or sow the poppy yourself. The flowering time of the individual plants is very short, so poppy works best in groups.

Where do I get the seeds from?

You can collect the seeds from the dry seed pods of the sprouted poppy. If this is too tedious for you or if you do not find enough seeds, then buy them from specialist retailers. In addition to seeds of wild poppy, you will also get a variety of other poppy varieties there, such as Turkish poppy or Iceland poppy.

The sowing

The sowing should take place at the end of March or beginning of April directly into the field. Sprinkle the seeds on a bed with loose, nutrient-poor soil. To make this easier, you can mix the seeds with some sand or earth before spreading. Cover the seeds with little soil and keep them slightly damp.

The right location

Corn poppy needs a lot of light and warmth for it to bloom abundantly. So give it a sunny spot. Drought he tolerates better than constant moisture. That's why the soil should be permeable and dry. Maybe you mix a little sand under the potting soil.

Corn poppy is very frugal and requires little nutrients. For this reason, you refrain from fertilizing it. You do not have to water your poppy either. Just before or during flowering in a dry season you should treat it to a little water.

The planting out

If you plant the poppy directly in the bed where it should grow in the summer, you will save yourself from planting it. The relatively strong and long tap roots make later planting much more difficult. If it is still necessary, make sure that you do not damage the roots and that the planting hole for the roots is deep enough.

Tips & Tricks

It is best to sow poppy directly at the desired location in the garden. Later he will sow himself there and they will not have to worry about reseeding.