When cherry trees get brown leaves

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Q&A - The leaves on my Kwanzen cherry tree are turning brown. What is going on?
Video: Q&A - The leaves on my Kwanzen cherry tree are turning brown. What is going on?


When cherry trees get brown leaves

One of the features of the healthy cherry tree is its rich green foliage. If individual leaves turn brown already in the spring or summer, an attentive gardener will rightly assume that this unnatural color is due to a disease.

Most cherry tree diseases are fungal diseases. The infestation often affects not only the bark, flowers and fruits, but also the leaves. These discolor, get holes, dry and fall off or stick to the tree, depending on which disease caused leaf staining. Possible:

Monilia-tip burn

This disease is noticeable in that first the flowers begin to wither. As the infestation progresses, the shoot tips, including leaves, turn brown and dry out. The dried flowers, leaves and branches remain hanging on the tree and must be removed and destroyed to prevent further infection. The pathogens of the Monilia peak drought can otherwise hibernate in the infested areas and spread further in the following year.

Shotgun disease

The leaves affected by shotgun disease look brown only from a distance. Viewed up close, the leaves are dotted with small, initially carmine, later dark brown colored spots. In the middle of the patches the eponymous shotgun holes are created over time. The damaged leaves will be dropped from the end of June. The fungus hibernates in the infested branches, these are therefore radically cut back, if necessary, additional spraying should be carried out before the next flowering.


The Gnomonia tan only attacks sweet cherry trees. The first signs are already in winter in the form of leaves remaining on the branches. There, the mushroom hibernates and infects the young leaves, which sprout in the spring. These get first patchy brightening, which slowly turn brown towards the end of July. The infected leaves should be removed. In case of heavy infestation, chemical control measures are sometimes immortalized by appropriate means.

Tips & Tricks

Before going to the determination of the disease, one should make sure that it is not the wrong location and the adverse weather responsible for the premature browning of the leaves.