Creating and designing a gravel garden - step by step

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to make a gravel garden
Video: How to make a gravel garden


White gravel offers a nice contrast to rich flowering plants

Creating and designing a gravel garden - step by step

The ideal location for a gravel garden is sunny, warm and rather dry. Above all, light-hungry, heat- and drought-tolerant species thrive here, which on top of that need little nutrients. A gravel garden is therefore a good solution, especially for gardens with rather barren soil. But even if such ideal conditions are not there: You can easily create them, for example, with the help of a soil exchange.

Nice ideas for the gravel garden

Gravel gardens are not only a question of (simplified) care, but of course the look. There are countless ideas to create such a garden, for example

Planting plan facilitates the work

Before you go to the nearest garden center and immediately buy suitable plants and other accessories for the gravel garden, you should first think about which style your gravel garden should have - and which plants fit best. Before planting, make an exact plan to get an approximate idea of ​​what effect the ensemble will end up having.

Prepare planting area

In the gravel garden, the rock material is less a design element, but serves to reduce the soil and make it permeable. In dry regions, the installation of a gravel garden is therefore easy. In high rainfall areas, on the other hand, it is difficult to create suitable conditions. If this is too time-consuming, you can plant such areas better with moisture-loving perennials. To prepare, proceed as follows:

Once this preparation is done, you can start planting.

Use plants properly - a guide

Before planting, however, watering begins first, because drought-tolerant species must also be well-moisturized before planting - this makes it easier for the plants to grow.

Finally, the area is covered with a four to five centimeter high mulch layer of coarser gravel or gravel. Not only does this look good, it also makes weeds more susceptible to germination.


Every few years, the gravel cover has to be renewed as the material migrates into deeper soil layers over time. This work is best done at the end of winter.