Cut the pine

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
HOW TO CUT A PINEAPPLE | Clean & Delicious
Video: HOW TO CUT A PINEAPPLE | Clean & Delicious


Pruning is not the same as pruning

Cut the pine

Every plant now and then needs a shape cut. Thus, at certain intervals, your jaw should also tackle properly. There are many reasons for pruning the branches. Every purpose of a pruning requires a different technique. The following guide informs you in which situation you should prune your jaws and what you have to pay attention to.

Different types of pruning

Pruning a jaw can be necessary for several reasons:

Inhibiting growth

In the wild, pine trees reach heights of over 50 meters. While the growth per year initially increases relatively slowly, the conifer gains in height with increasing age. If he comes too close to buildings, it is important to cut down his branches. In addition, the pruning then serves the prevention of property damage or even personal injury from falling branches in storms. To do this, light the crown by removing bothersome branches. The pruning may be done radically. However, you should be aware that the shape of growth changes as a result of pruning. The jaw becomes bulbous and rounder. Once you have made such a pruning, you must continue it annually.

Pruning for diseases

Does your jaw suddenly get brown needles? Blame could be a fungal infection. Two types of such a pest are common in Europe:

In both cases it is necessary to protect the pine from complete extinction by completely cutting back affected branches.

Cut the pine to bonsai

Maybe you own a balcony instead of a garden. Nevertheless, you do not have to give up holding a jaw. In bonsai form, the conifer hardly takes up any space, even on the smallest of areas.The regular cutting then promotes the branching and receives the small growth habit.

You have to pay attention to that

Point of time

Cut your jaw best in winter. Thus you avoid that too much juice from the interfaces occurs. The jaw can then better recover from the radical cut.

The tool

With the right equipment, cutting a jaw is much easier. For an old pine you need a high, sturdy ladder to reach the branches in the crown due to the enormous growth height. You should definitely use sharp scissors. With blunt models there is a risk that you will not cut the branches clean, but rather squeeze them. This leads to more serious injuries, from which the jaw recovers only with difficulty.