Cut the basil properly - skillfully harvest and care for

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Prune Basil So It Grows Forever!
Video: How to Prune Basil So It Grows Forever!


Cut the basil properly - skillfully harvest and care for

Professional pruning of basil serves both harvesting and care. Do not ask any longer, when, how much and how. What you should look out for when cutting back king weed, we have put together here for you.

Heartily cut - instead of tentatively pluck

Basil scores naturally with a remarkable vigor. This attribute is used by experienced hobby gardeners in order to promote a bushy habit by deliberate pruning as part of the harvest. Delicate plucking of individual leaflets has a counterproductive effect, because bald shoots die off and weaken the entire kingwort. Proceed as follows when cutting off shoots for harvesting:

If you cut a king's cabbage correctly using this procedure, there is nothing wrong with picking individual leaflets as a healthy herb snack. In this case, pick a dark green leaf, because the aroma content is particularly high here.

Cut off flowers in time for a long herbal treat

Experienced hobby gardeners not only reach for the scissors when harvesting basil. Targeted pruning also provides prudent care so that the herb remains vital and healthy for a long time. Once royal weed flowers, the plant stops growing and the leaves take on a bitter taste. How to prevent premature death by selective pruning:

If clippings are not immediately used in the kitchen, it is ideal for drying or loading. You can also preserve any harvest surplus by freezing in portions in ice cube trays.

Cut basil properly in winter - that's how it works

If you cultivate a perennial variety of basil or overwinter the plant in the house, the cut is reduced to the harvest. From October, the herbal plant no longer seeks to flower, but reduces growth to a minimum. In the cold season is therefore a rather reserved pruning recommended. Nevertheless, even in winter, the motto is that prudent hobby gardeners always cut off entire shoots.

Tips & Tricks

Already knew? Basil flowers are edible. Just allow your king's weed to bloom and enjoy the enchanting flowering flora for many weeks. Cut off the flowers, serve as a delicious decoration of salads and hot dishes. If the taste is too harsh, simply put the flowers in vinegar.