Crunchy and delicious - kernels roast

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Crispy Fried Corn । चटपटे कुरकुरे स्वीट कॉर्न । Spicy Crispy Corn


Freshly roasted kernels are a special treat

Crunchy and delicious - kernels roast

Roasted seeds and seeds give every salad, but also every cereal the kick. For snack in between, they are suitable in sweet or spicy form. With little effort and work, you can quickly roast seeds in a pan on the electric stove or in the oven.

Which seeds and seeds are suitable for roasting?

The use of kernels and seeds is becoming more common in the kitchen. They are versatile, nutritious and have a good taste. Their aroma becomes particularly intense when they are roasted.
Well suited are for example:

You can roast your seeds in the oven or in the pan. The pan is recommended for sensitive seeds, for example, for almond flakes.

Roasting kernels in the pan

It is best to use a coated pan. So you can toast without adding fat.

    Heat the pan without fat. Enter the cores. Stir gently until the seeds have a golden yellow or light brown color. Put the seeds in a bowl and season to taste with salt, pepper, paprika, pepper or sugar and cinnamon. Mix the kernels well. Let the kernels cool on a plate. Be careful with the tasting, the kernels are very hot!

If larger amounts of seeds or seeds are to be roasted, it is best to use the oven. Preheat to 180 degrees and place the cores on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Spread the seeds well. These are ready as soon as they get a pleasant brown color.
Hazelnuts, peanuts or even almonds are freed from their hard shell before roasting. The underlying thin, brown skin can be easily removed after the roasting process.

Use of roasted kernels

Cores and seeds get a more intense aroma when roasting. Also, our body can absorb certain minerals, such as magnesium and calcium, better from cooked kernels. Other substances are lost during roasting, for example, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. To remedy this, simply mix raw and roasted kernels together. Sprinkle it over a fresh salad or into the muesli or serve the kernels as a snack to the TV evening.