Multiply Kentia palms by seeds

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Germinating Palm Seeds
Video: Germinating Palm Seeds


The Kentia palm can only be propagated through seeds

Multiply Kentia palms by seeds

Kentia palm trees are among the best known and most robust palm species. They grow slowly and are non-toxic, making them ideal indoor plants. They can only be multiplied by seeds, but this takes a long time. What you need to consider when propagating a Kentia palm.

Previous article Are you allowed to cut a Kentia palm tree?

Multiply Kentia palm by seeds

In contrast to the gold fruit palm, the Kentia palm does not produce any ground shoots. It can therefore be grown exclusively from seeds.

Since Kentia palms are virtually never blooming in our regions, they also do not develop seeds. Therefore you have to get the seeds in the garden shop.

Seeds only germinable fresh

The seeds of the Kentia palm are only germinable. The older he is, the more the likelihood of expulsion decreases. Therefore, sow the seeds immediately. The best time for sowing is early spring.

Allow seeds to swell before sowing

In order for the Kentia palm to multiply, you must first place the seeds in lukewarm water for a long time to allow them to swell. You should replace the water regularly, so that the water temperature remains constant.

This is how it is sown

The germination temperature must be very high. 25 degrees are ideal. A window sill over a radiator is an ideal location for the propagation of Kentia palm trees.

Keep the seeds slightly moist but not too wet. If you have covered the tray with plastic wrap, ventilate it regularly. Otherwise the earth and thus the seed will be moldy.

Months pass before germination

You need a lot of patience to multiply Kentia palms. It takes months for the seed to germinate and the first leaf tips to become visible.

If the plantlets have grown enough to show at least two pairs of leaves, they are potted into individual pots and nurtured like adult Kentia palms.


The Kentia palm belongs to the non-toxic palm species. You can therefore safely pull the slowly awake palm, even if children and cats are present.