Freeze potato soup - practical instructions and valuable tips

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Way to Freeze Food: Longer Shelf Life and Rapid Defrosting
Video: The Best Way to Freeze Food: Longer Shelf Life and Rapid Defrosting


The potato soup should be frozen in a well-closed container

Freeze potato soup - practical instructions and valuable tips

It is an open secret that potato soup tastes much better when prepared in large quantities. In general, amateur chefs tend to create several liters of this popular seasonal delicacy. You can freeze the soup, which you do not enjoy right away. How this works in detail, reveals our guide!

What should be considered when freezing potato soup in general

There are several things you should be aware of when freezing your potato soup. In a wrong approach, it quickly happens that both the consistency and the taste of the soup after defrosting leave much to be desired.

Only freeze pureed potato soup

Freeze only creamy (pureed) potato soup. Soups with potato pieces should not be placed in the freezer. Otherwise, you have to do afterwards with glassy to mushy potatoes that taste unusually sweet.

Brief explanation of the sudden sweetness: In the tuber of a potato starch is constantly being converted into sugar. The latter needs the tuber for their metabolism. If temperatures fall below four degrees Celsius, the metabolism slows down - but sugar will continue to be provided. However, in this cooler situation, the tuber does not need it to the full extent. As a result, the sugar in the tuber deposits and the potato assumes a sweet taste.

Reason for the mudiness: The water in the cells of the potatoes freezes, expands and destroys the cell membrane. This causes the potatoes to lose their crispness.

Add certain ingredients later

Some ingredients that you want to add to your potato soup are best added later (after freezing and thawing). These include, for example, the classic sausages or smoked salmon. You should not mix herbs, cream or milk before freezing, but after thawing in the potato soup.

Note: Some hobby cooks create their potato soup with cream or milk and freeze them in this way. We advise against that. It shows again and again that soups with cream or milk in the freezer suffer. There is a understandable reason for this: After thawing and heating the frozen potato soup, the greasy liquids separate from the rest and flocculate - not very appetizing. In short: do not pour cream or milk into the potato soup until it has thawed and heated.

Freeze and thaw potato soup - short step-by-step instructions

    Fill your prepared potato soup in a sufficiently large and lockable container suitable for the freezer. A container should not contain more than one liter of potato soup. Otherwise, thawing is a tedious story. Close the containers and place in the freezer. Bring the containers of potato soup out of the freezer at the appropriate time. Let the soup thaw for a few hours. Drain the water floating above (otherwise the soup is too thin). Put the potato soup in a saucepan and heat. During heating, stir again and again to get a homogeneous mass. Add the remaining ingredients (such as cream, milk, herbs, sausages etcetera).

Taste and shelf life of a frozen potato soup

As for the taste, the ghosts are different. Some find no difference between a fresh and a previously thawed potato soup; Others, however, believe that the latter tastes less aromatic. In the end, you have only one left; Try it out and see for yourself if you like your thawed potato soup.

The shelf life of the frozen potato soup is about three months. It is better, however, to eat the soup within four to six weeks.