Can you freeze nasturtium?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Freeze Nasturtium Leaves for Stuffing: Cooking with Kimberly
Video: How to Freeze Nasturtium Leaves for Stuffing: Cooking with Kimberly


Can you freeze nasturtium?

Nasturtium is only partially suitable for freezing, because when thawing it is very quickly mushy. If you want to season a stew or a soup with the flowers or leaves, then you can definitely use frozen nasturtium for it.

How to prepare nasturtium for freezing

Since you probably do not need large amounts of nasturtium for seasoning, you should freeze them in small portions. Very easy to do this with the help of ice cube trays. Pour the cleaned and cut leaves into the ice cube trays, add some water if necessary and place the container in your freezer.

Once the cubes are frozen, transfer them to a larger freezer container. So you can always take small portions as needed. Flowers are better frozen in the whole, if possible without damaging them. You can also use ice cube trays filled with water.

So you can use frozen nasturtium

As the leaves and flowers of the frozen nasturtium quickly become soft, soggy and therefore unsightly when thawed, you should use them primarily for cooking. You can use it to flavor soups, sauces or stews. The spicy-hot taste goes well with many savory dishes.

Flowers frozen in ice cubes are great for cooling drinks. For example, they look very decorative in a summer punch. Flowers that are frozen without water are also suitable as decorations, but they thaw very quickly and then lose their beauty.

The essentials in brief:

Other methods of preservation

Freezing is not suitable for all parts of nasturtium alike. However, the preservation method also depends heavily on the later use. For example, you can put the buds in vinegar and use them as "wrong" capers. With the flowers can be excellent to produce a flower vinegar, with which you can refine salads.

Tips & Tricks

With the frozen flowers of nasturtium, you can not only cool a punch or a long drink, but at the same time decorate it beautifully.