Cacti have sunburn - what to do now?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Phalaenopsis with severe sunburn - what to do?
Video: Phalaenopsis with severe sunburn - what to do?


Cacti need to be slowly acclimated to the sun

Cacti have sunburn - what to do now?

The damage is slowly noticeable and reminds at first glance of symptoms of a disease. Although cacti are among the sunbathers, they can suffer from sunburn. Find out how to diagnose and treat the dilemma here.

How to recognize sunburn on cactuses

In most cases, sunburn on cacti occurs in spring when the plants move to the balcony. The damage is recognizable as bright, cream-colored spots that appear on the previously green epidermis. In contrast to symptoms of disease, the damaged areas do not spread further, but are initially confined to the region that is hit by the sun's rays.

If no countermeasures are taken, the affected cactus is corked and lignified. This not only affects the decorative appearance, but at worst leads to the death of the entire plant.

Immediate action mitigates the damage - That's how it works

If you spot bright spots on your cactus, there is an immediate need for action. The faster and more consistently you take the following measures, the less the damage. That is how it goes:

This strategy will not cure sunburned regions. After all, you reduce the damage and prevent a life-threatening escalation. The use of amino acid is recommended because it is a direct-acting protein fertilizer. The cactus is strengthened and activates its natural healing powers to quickly overcome the debilitating sunburn.

So effectively prevent sunburn

With a simple trick you prevent your cactus from getting sunburned. First place the plants on the balcony in a partially shaded spot for 8 to 10 days. Here you can get used to the sunshine. In this regard, the cactus epidermis does not react differently than human skin.

In addition, we recommend extending the care program by spraying the cacti with an amino acid remedy every 4 weeks from March to September.


The offshoots of cacti are particularly sensitive to sunshine. Always place the seed pots with cuttings in a partially shaded window seat on the west or east side of the house. Curtains or large plants additionally reduce the sun's rays.