Cultivate exotic kakipflanzen

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Cultivate exotic kakipflanzen

Kaki tree - an ebony plant originating from Japan and China - is a very old cultivated plant. Diospyros kaki grows to a height of 15 meters, has oblong oval leaves, yellowish to white, monoecious flowers and apple-sized fruits.

Previous article Where does Kaki come from? Next article Care of a kaki tree

The kaki tree is cultivated as a useful but also as ornamental and container plant. Its large, glossy leaves turn intense yellow in autumn to orange red. The berry fruit of Kakibaums is also called Kakipflaume, Chinese persimmon, Japanese persimmon. The fruits are yellow to orange and (at full ripeness) very juicy and sweet. When immature, they contain bitter tannins. A cultivated form is the Israeli-derived Sharon fruit, which is smaller and contains no bitter tannins.

Are kaki trees suitable for outdoor planting?

As a fruit tree, the persimmon is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical areas. The kaki trees are not sufficiently frost-resistant for the Central European climate, but cultivation is also possible in Germany in the wintry grape growing regions. It is recommended to keep the kakis in the bucket for the first 2-3 years and to replant the older plants in the garden first.

Which site and soil conditions are required?

The kaki trees should be as sunny outside as possible during the warm season. Occasional night frosts cope well with the plants as long as they can warm themselves during the day. The kaki tree in the tub should be wintered dark and frost-free. The kaki tree thrives on the neutral and also on the loamy soil. Some horn shavings in the planting hole helps the tree to a good start.


The kakis can be multiplied generatively and vegetatively. In the commercially available fruits you will hardly find seeds, so you would have to buy them for sowing. More suitable for the yield are the finished processed plants from the specialized trade. Numerous varieties with different frost resistance and on low- or high-growing documents are offered on the Internet.

Flowering and harvest time

The monoecious kaki tree flowers in May and June. The decorative golden yellow flowers consist of four sepals, from the goblet develops later the fruit. The fruits ripen in late autumn between October and November on the tree, which is now leafless.

Tips & Tricks

The kakip plant can be cultivated as a container plant, on a trellis or as a semi and a high stem.

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